I have been looking for starfruit for months, with an idea of doing a themed drink. I have used starfruit in the past to garnish a dessert, with a flare of celebration. I wanted to do a drink in the same vein, whether it be to celebrate a promotion, school accomplishment or other success. I had given up hope on seeing a starfruit again when my local grocery store help a bloggers dream this August– a highlight of all things tropical fruit.
Not only did they have starfruit on display, they also had jackfruit, prickly pear, lychee, and rambutans. You name it, they had it on the floor. For me this was like being a kid in the candy store, so you can bet you will see some more posts on exotic fruit in the upcoming weeks.
While I made a fuss about starfruit, the recipe is actually simplistic. I use the starfuit to garnish a glass and mix a bit of tropical sorbet (pina colada or lemon) with a sparkling juice (I used lemoncello mocktail, but any sparkling citrus drink will do) for an easy punch. A quick google search will net a variety of sorbet punches, so feel free to play around with the flavors. I was more interested in using a natural decoration – the starfruit – to play on the theme of celebration. If nothing else use this recipe as an excuse to celebrate trying new foods!
Shining Star Punch
Pina colada or lemon sorbet
Sparkling lemonade or Lemoncello mocktail
1 starfruit, cut into star rounds and slit to fit on glass
Place 4 melon baller scoops of sorbet in the bottom of a champagne glass. Fit one wedge of star fruit over the rim of the glass and fill the glass with the lemonade or lemoncello mocktail. Serve.