Aaah, springtime. Warmer weather, fresh buds on the trees, and the start of fresh vegetables and fruits. While still early in the season, one of things I look forward to in April/May is the bounty of fresh strawberries.
The in-season prices mean my whole family devours them at breakfast, and I tinker in the kitchen with a variety of strawberry recipes. One such recipe that I have been making for quite a few years is my Strawberry Salsa. It has been known to peek people’s interest in my cooking adventures and even made others suggest I bottle & sell it.
I think it tastes just perfect with fresh strawberries and I don’t even want to hassle with the regulations regarding bottling . . . . so I hope you make a batch of Strawberry Salsa for yourself to enjoy.
It can be eaten like any other salsa – with tortilla chips – but it is also fantastic as a smothering “dressing” on a spinach and chicken salad.
What do you look forward to with spring?
Strawberry Salsa
1/4 cup white onion
1/8 cup fresh cilantro
12 strawberries (about 2 cups)
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1/8 cup honey
Red pepper flakes (optional)
To prepare salsa, place onion in food processor, process 30 seconds until onion is finely chopped. Add cilantro and chop for an additional 30 seconds. Add strawberries to food processor and pulse until there are medium chunks of strawberry. Remove from processor, and mix in honey, lime juice, and red pepper flakes, if desired. Refrigerate until ready to serve; best used within a few days.