My children are now old enough that they can comprehend the idea of Thanksgiving. So this year I wanted find a fun way to decorate my thanksgiving table while letting all my guests voice their prayers of thanksgiving.  What came to mind was these Cornucopia Gratefulness Cookies which are a take on a fortune cookie. Rather than finding a fortune inside, each cookie has comments from each guest on what they are thankful or grateful for. Quotes can be about general items of thanksgiving or specific thanks about each other.

cornucopia gratefulness cookies

I started my experiment by asking my kids what they were grateful for just before bed. Here is what they said:

  • I am thankful for all the special activities you do with us
  • I am grateful for Grandma and Grandpa
  • I am thankful for cuddle time with you and dad

 Pretty special, right? I can’t think of a better way that to start a meal with those that I love by reading aloud our Thanksgiving praise. Not to mention this easy cookie craft is a colorful way to dress up the table and is super quick to put together.  Older kids can even help put them together (I found that my 3 and 5 year old were more interested in eating them than completing the craft on the day I tried this).

cornucopia gratefulness cookies

cornucopia gratefulness cookies

cornucopia gratefulness cookies

Cornucopia Gratefulness Cookies

Sugar cones (one per place setting)
Vanilla wafers (one per place setting)
Thanksgiving/fall sprinkles such as Wilton’s fall leaves mix
Paper and pens

Collect comments from family and guests ahead of Thanksgiving regarding what they are thankful or grateful for.  Write on strips of paper, roll up and place inside sugar cones. Place a bit of frosting around the edge of the vanilla wafer and gently place in the opening of the sugar cone (tucking the paper strip inside) until it fits snuggly.  Frost the entire exposed surface of the cookie and then dip into a shallow bowl filled with the fall sprinkles.  Set aside and repeat with remaining sugar cones and vanilla wafers.  Use as decoration for Thanksgiving place settings and break open cookies to read the notes of thankfulness.
